we are software house

We provide the IT industry with what has been known in fashion for a long time — the entire experience is a sale driver, not the product itself.

If this is what you are looking for, we may be your ideal fit.

Sometimes we say we're fashionline - because fashion, programming, and e-commerce are equally coded into our DNA.

Meet the team that has programmed for brands such as Christian Louboutin in France, as well as Manolo Blahnik and Annoushka in the United Kingdom. We can start working on creating an effective online store that will proudly represent your products right now.

What sets us apart is how we work.

We listen, listen, and listen — and only after do we code

In your business, you are the master. We are Magento masters. That is why we will listen to you very carefully first, so that we can respond to the project only when we fully understand the challenge.

We have very demanding and very satisfied clients

We deliver not only what you order, but what really works. Each of the designers you meet here has a minimum of 6 years of experience in exactly what you need to be successful.

Co nas cechuje?

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Doskonałość kodu i obsługi

Mamy tylko jeden standard pracy i jakości - najwyższy. Dziś tylko perfekcja jest wystarczająca.

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Nowoczesność rozwiązań

Pracujemy według standardów przyszłości, by klienci byli na nią gotowi już dziś.

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Ambicja na każdym kroku

Jesteśmy tu po to, by Twój sklep działał lepiej i sprzedawał więcej. Twoje cele to nasze cele.

What characterizes us?

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Excellence of code and service

We have only one standard of work and quality - the highest. Today, only perfection is sufficient.

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Modern solutions

We work according to the standards of the future, so that clients are ready for it today.

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Ambition at every step

We are here to make your store function better and sell more. Your goals are our goals.

Do you want to see if this is a solution for you?

We will prepare a 14-day demo version for your e-commerce, allowing you to fully explore the capabilities of Magento.